E.E. Wilson Fund

About the fund

E.E. Wilson sitting at a desk

E.E. Wilson made a very generous bequest to the Benton Community Foundation for the benefit of Boy Scouts of America activities within Benton County. Mr. Wilson had missed being a Boy Scout and wanted others to have this opportunity. The E.E. Wilson Fund has awarded camperships to many local boys, enabling them to participate in summer scout camp. The fund has financed training for both junior and adult leaders at Camp Baker in Oregon, Philmont Ranch in New Mexico, and Woodbadge courses in Idaho and Washington. The fund has also enabled local boy scouts to make purchases of needed equipment: audio-visual equipment to be shared by local troops include films, a projector, and a phonograph; a seventeen-foot aluminum canoe for the Sea Scouts; and a two-way radio used for search and rescue activities for the Explorer Post.

Background and Career

Community Involvement and Interests