The Blasens were both longtime Portland, Oregon residents. In 1953, they founded Blasen & Blasen Lumber Company. Both attended Oregon State University.
David Blasen entered Oregon State University in the fall of 1939, majoring in forest products. David was a senior in the 1943 ROTC class that was called to active duty and sent to Officers Candidate School at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. While at OSU, David met Dorothy Hope Forman and the two married in 1944. Two weeks after their wedding, David was deployed to the European theater of operations and served as an artillery forward observer in the Rhineland and central Germany campaigns. There, he was awarded the Bronze Star. After World War II, David returned to complete his study at OSU and graduated with a degree in forest products with the class of 1947. David remained in the Army Reserves and retired in 1965.
David died in 2007, and Dorothy died in 2010. The couple were survived by their four children.
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