Ray & Genny Stephenson Funds

About the funds

Ray and Genny Stephenson

In 1988, Ray joined the Benton Community Foundation (BCF) Board of Directors. Ray maintained the close relationship between BCF and Citizens Bank that has existed since BCF’s formation in 1953. He served as BCF’s board chair in 1993 and 1994 and accepted the office of treasurer beginning in 1996. After sixteen years of faithful service to BCF, he retired from the Board in June of 2004.

In addition to their prodigious volunteerism (listed below) they provided to our local community, Ray & Genny established five endowed funds with BCF to benefit local charities in perpetuity:

The Genny Stephenson Hospice Fund provides an annual distribution to Benton Hospice Service. 

– The Stephenson Family Meals On Wheels Fund provides an annual distribution to the Cascade West Council of Government for their Meals on Wheels program in Benton County.

– The Stephenson Family Old Mill Center Fund provides an annual distribution to the Old Mill Center for Children & Families.

– The Ray & Genny Stephenson Vina Moses Fund provides an annual distribution to Vina Moses Center.

– The Stephenson Family General Fund is part of the Community Grants pool and the annual distributable income from these funds are used to award grants to Benton County Charities in BCF’s competitive granting cycle.

Background and Family Life

Community Involvement