Ron and Soozi Stevens Donor Advised Fund

About the fund

The Ron and Soozi Stevens Donor Advised Fund was established to honor Soozi Stevens, who was a teacher from the inception of the Ashbrook Independent School (AIS) in 1997 until her retirement in June of 2017. Distributions from this fund will benefit Ashbrook Independent School, Presbyterian Pre-School and other local educational institutions in recognition of her service as a teacher and commitment to education in Benton County.

Soozi’s dedication to the students and the importance of building a strong foundation in reading skills created a love of books that endures. The following statements document her thoughts on the importance of the AIS Lower School curriculum:

  • Being excited about reading has always been the goal of the primary program at Ashbrook, even when I joined the teaching team early in the creation of the school. I am leaving a team of teachers that continues to have all the excitement of that first group of teachers. By nurturing life-long learners who will be our future leaders, caretakers and joyful people, we hope to continue the B.E.A.R. experience.
  • Every child should have their world opened to them by learning how to read, by experiencing the decoding of words, making mental pictures, making connections, asking questions, discovering important issues, drawing conclusions and totally enjoying the experience. Ashbrook has fostered this from the day the doors opened. To continue this opportunity for new young learners, the Lower School program should challenge students to become life-long learners and build confidence levels by teaching them how to think and solve problems.
  • During each school year I taught, the first-grade students enjoyed numerous learning opportunities. One example was the responsibility of taking home the classroom’s Paddington Bear stuffed animal to share with their family. They spent time with Paddington reading books and writing stories of their adventures. Paddington has enjoyed many trips to various locations around the world and created many fond memories for the students to joyfully remember.

Background and Family Life

Career and Community Involvement
