Cornerstone Associates

About the fund

Cornerstone Associates, Inc.

In 2001, Bonney Enterprises, Inc. and Open Door, Inc. merged to create Cornerstone Associates, Inc. (CAI), a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. CAI provides job training and an array of vital day-to-day support for people with disabilities. CAI’s mission is to create meaningful employment and community involvement opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

For many years CAI has partnered with Benton Community Foundation (BCF) in order to expand and enrich its program. Most recently, CAI has used funds received by BCF to provide scholarships for Associates who have seen their own funding and benefits reduced, or in some cases, eliminated altogether.

CAI has established an Endowed Agency Fund with BCF to provide a stream of income for the long-term sustainability of the valuable services CAI provides. Individuals in our community face substantial barriers to employment and independence due to disabilities. Contributions to the CAI Agency Fund is a convenient way for donors to create meaningful community involvement for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

About Cornerstone Associates, Inc.